Saturday, October 3, 2015

A few things...


It has been a long time since I set this blog up and I haven't been very good at keeping it updated.  I promise to work harder at this from now on. 

I have a few things to share with you today. First, this school year is flying by already! Where does the time go? It has been an amazing year so far. Our class has dived into Math, ELA, and Science. We have participated in Homecoming dress-up days and attended the District Pep Fest. This past week we went on our first field trip to Hunt Hill where we learned about Invasive Species, Shoreline Buffers, Stewardship, and Water Chemistry. Ask your child to tell you something that they learned.

This week marks the start of our first What I Need (WIN) and Words Their Way (WTW) cycle. Your child will need the word sort list every week in order for them to do their homework which will be turned in on Fridays. I will add the weeks lists to this blog every weekend for you.  We are trying to go paperless as much as possible. Thank you for your help with this effort. Please let me know if you do not have regular internet access so I can provide paper copies if necessary.

Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up on October 27th and 29th from 3:45-7:45. Please watch for information regarding scheduling. I look forward to getting to talk to all of you.

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