Sunday, November 1, 2015

Here are the sorts for WTW this week:

Miss Swanson and Miss Kelsey
Sort 14
ŏ CVC            Ō CVCe           Ō CVVC
box                rode              road chose             boat               love
goat               soap              knock
slope              foam              load
whole             one                goal
stop               toad               coat
float   drop             stone

Mrs. Smith

Green Sort 26

war wor wa
warmth worker watch
quarter wardrobe worse
world waffle warden
warning worry squad
squat warrior worthy
quarrel worship swarm
worthwhile dwarf squabble
squash wander backward

Mrs. Smith
Sort 47

mane pale made
pain plain their
hair main pane
male ail mail
pail maid ale
plane sale waste
there waist sail
maze hare they’re

Mrs. Williams
Sort 21

ŭ CVC ēw CVV ūē CVV
thumb new blue
grew truth flue
plump chew do
due brush glue
few junk true
stuck flew stew
knew crew blew
dew trunk sew

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